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At the "El KORA" the restaurant dishes we rely on the area of Nayarit on the Mexican Pacific coast, with recipes inherited for generations, as well as traditional Mexican dishes. At the same time the kora uses fresh ingredients every day starting with our seafood from the Pacific Northwest.

kora in not only our food is also our unique cocktails made with fresh lemons, tomatoes, and species, visit us at our restaurant and will have an incredible time with family as well as with friends or coworkers.


Nayarit is privileged location. Its location on the Tropic of Cancer gives an excellent climate with

EL Kora

abundant rainfall in summer and very fertile soils that produce a variety of beautiful flowers and fruit of incomparable flavor.

Nayarit is a producer of coconut, corn, wheat and beans and the first in the country in the production of snuff; bananas (there are 14 varieties of this product), mango (the famous Petacones is occurring in this region) and sugar cane . One of the examples we cited to explain the goodness of their lands, is the incredible ears of 70 centimeters in length that occur in Jala, a town near the state capital.

Moreover, in its seas are fished shark, sea bass, snapper, shrimp and set ostión. Ello cuisine, in which the oysters and shrimp are prominent. They are made delicious soups and scallop enchiladas, tamales with shrimp, fish sarandeado, which is one of the delicious specialties of the region and the Tlaxtihuilli or shrimp broth and the famous smooth tatemada in mangrove wood.

Enjoy the Tropical area of Nayarit

El Kora

3007 N Delta Hwy,

Eugene, OR 97408

541- 654- 0218


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